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El Niņo  04:49

This is the people who work on this song
besides the MLTR members normal work
Composer:  Jascha Richter
Lyrics Writer:  Jascha Richter
Flamingo Guitar Solo:  Jascha Richter
Programming:  Jascha Richter
Lars Holm
Choir:  Anne Louise Krogh
Anne-Grethe Severinsen
Claes Sønderriis
Hanne Skov Thomsen
Lars Reker
Lars Ørhøj
Mads Tilst Christensen
Mixer:  Jascha Richter  at  Ground Station
Lars Holm  at  Ground Station
Producer:  Jascha Richter  at  Ground Station
Lars Holm  at  Ground Station
Recorder (The Choir):  Johs Stærk  at  Villa Alma Studio
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This song is also released in these versions:

audio release -  El Niņo (Club Version)   06:44    2002
audio release -  El Niņo (Radio Version)   03:35    2002

This song, in this version, is on the following releases:
  Jascha Solo Releases
Planet Blue (CD) (Jascha's solo album)
El Niņo (CD-Single) (promotion)
El Niņo (CD-Single) (promotion)
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