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Tour Statistics

Right now I have 445 concerts in my database.

39 has additional information,
11 has a ticket photo attached and
55 has a total of 874 concert photos attached.

266 of Jascha,   222 of Mikkel,   59 of Kåre,   11 of Søren
and 316 other photos.

Click on the links below to see all pictures of:
Jascha   Mikkel   Kåre   Søren
Ida   SP   Stage   Misc

MLTR has, in my database, visited the following
Countries   Cities   Locations   Occasion

20 times:
Rock Show
12 times:
Skanderborg Festival
11 times:
TV Appearance
7 times:
Grøn Koncert
Open Air
3 times:
Samsø Festival
Øster Hurup Open Air
2 times:
Dansk Rock Galla
Golden Eagle TV Art Festival
Hillerød Kræmmermarked
Høtte Rock
Julegalla (x-mas galla show)
Løkken Koncert
Nord-Als Musikfestival
Radio ABC Beach Party
Sølund Musik Festival
Vig Festival
1 time:
All The Same Song Event
Århus Festival
Århus Rock Grandprix
Assens Festival
Barrit Open Air
Beach Party
Brædstrup Festival
By & Havefest
Canceled because of illness
CCTV New Year's Show
CCTV-MTV Music Honors
CCTV/MTV Award - Promo
Chivas Music Tour
Concert on a ferry
Copenhagen Rock Festival
Danish Red Cross Gallashow
Dybvad Open Air
Døllefjelde Marked
Esbjerg Rock Festival
Grammy Award Party
Grammy reward
Harboøre Musikfestival 18
Hauge Market
Heitere Open Air
Heste & Kræmmermarked
Hinge Søfestival
Jelling Festival
Klejtrup Søfestival Open Air
Medley Fest
Midsommer Rock I Ebeltoft
Midtfyns Festival
Musik I Gryden
Nibe Festival
Open Air Concert
Oscar Reward after-party
Privat concert
Radio ANR VIP concert
Radio Voice Party
Read the info note
Record signing in 'Fona'
Rock Galla
Rock In Rebild
Rock Ved Lunden
Roskilde Festival
Ry Byfest
Sjællands Festival
Skærbæk Byfest / Open Air
St. Heddinge Festival
Talent Contest
This was may 18th or 19th.
Thy Rock
Tsunami Charity Concert
Varde Open Air
Vordingborg Festuge
Winner of a radio contest
16-1-2025 Flag Counter