20 times: |
Rock Show |
12 times: |
Skanderborg Festival |
11 times: |
TV Appearance |
7 times: |
Grøn Koncert |
Open Air |
3 times: |
Samsø Festival |
Øster Hurup Open Air |
2 times: |
Dansk Rock Galla |
Festuge |
Golden Eagle TV Art Festival |
Hillerød Kræmmermarked |
Høtte Rock |
Julegalla (x-mas galla show) |
Løkken Koncert |
Nord-Als Musikfestival |
Radio ABC Beach Party |
Sølund Musik Festival |
Vig Festival |
1 time: |
All The Same Song Event |
Århus Festival |
Århus Rock Grandprix |
Assens Festival |
Barrit Open Air |
Beach Party |
Broløbet |
Brædstrup Festival |
By & Havefest |
Canceled because of illness |
CCTV New Year's Show |
CCTV-MTV Music Honors |
CCTV/MTV Award - Promo |
Chivas Music Tour |
Concert on a ferry |
Copenhagen Rock Festival |
Danish Red Cross Gallashow |
Dybvad Open Air |
Døllefjelde Marked |
Esbjerg Rock Festival |
Festival |
Grammy Award Party |
Grammy reward |
Harboøre Musikfestival 18 |
Hauge Market |
Heitere Open Air |
Heste & Kræmmermarked |
Hinge Søfestival |
Jelling Festival |
Klejtrup Søfestival Open Air |
Knivholt |
Kræmmermarked |
Langelandsfestival |
Medley Fest |
Midsommer Rock I Ebeltoft |
Midsommerrock |
Midtfyns Festival |
Musik I Gryden |
Nibe Festival |
Open Air Concert |
Oscar Reward after-party |
Privat concert |
Promotion |
Radio ANR VIP concert |
Radio Voice Party |
Read the info note |
Record signing in 'Fona' |
Rock Galla |
Rock In Rebild |
Rock Ved Lunden |
Roskilde Festival |
Ry Byfest |
Sjællands Festival |
Sjællandsfestival |
Skærbæk Byfest / Open Air |
St. Heddinge Festival |
Talent Contest |
This was may 18th or 19th. |
Thy Rock |
Tsunami Charity Concert |
Varde Open Air |
Vordingborg Festuge |
Winner of a radio contest |